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Meaning of “video” in the English Dictionary

a recording of moving pictures and sound, especially as a digital file, DVD , etc.:

.My new laptop handles video really well.

  • I'd far rather go to the theatre than watch a video.
  • The long-awaited sequel is now available on video.
  • The police video showed that she had jumped the (traffic) lights.
  • I've got old 'Fawlty Towers' videos which are almost worn out, I've played them so many times.
  • He chose a cartoon from the stack of videos on the shelf

  • In one experiment, subjects were shown three types of videos, depicting positive, negative, and neutral stimuli (play, severe aggression, and scenery, respectively).
    I studied commercially available information videos on various aircraft types, showing pilots at work during scheduled flights and in sessions in full mock-up cockpit simulators.
    The court even seemed unsure whether the state had a compelling interest to protect children from the psychological harm that watching these videos might cause.
    Future experiments could improve on this by using videos in which an animated action appeared for only a couple of seconds.
    A frequently given reason for preferring the videos was that the images could clarify the meaning of the song texts.
    On the whole, the pupils who preferred watching videos outnumbered those who preferred only listening.
    The videos were counterbalanced to ensure that no two children in one age group saw them in the same order.
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